// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © LonesomeTheBlue
strategy("MACD Enhanced Strategy MTF with Stop Loss [LTB]", overlay=true)
fastLength = input(title="MACD Fast Length", defval=12, minval=1)
slowLength = input(title="MACD Slow Length", defval=26, minval=1)
signalLength = input(title="MACD Signal Length", defval=9, minval=1)
crossscore = input(title="Cross (buy/sell) Score", defval=10.)
indiside = input(title="indicator Direction Score", defval=8)
histside = input(title="Histogram Direction Score", defval=2)
shotsl = input(title="Show Stop Loss Line", defval=false)
Mult = input(title="Stop Loss Factor", defval=1.2, type=input.float, minval=0.1, maxval=100)
Period = input(title="Stop Loss Period", defval=10, minval=1, maxval=100)
lookaheadi = input(title = "Lookahead", defval = true)
HTF = timeframe.period == '1' ? '5' :
timeframe.period == '3' ? '15' : timeframe.period == '5' ? '15' :
timeframe.period == '15' ? '60' : timeframe.period == '30' ? '60' :
timeframe.period == '45' ? '60' : timeframe.period == '60' ? '240' :
timeframe.period == '120' ? '240' : timeframe.period == '180' ? '240' :
timeframe.period == '240' ? 'D' : timeframe.period == 'D' ? 'W' : 'W'
calc = timeframe.period == '1' ? 5 :
timeframe.period == '3' ? 5 : timeframe.period == '5' ? 3 :
timeframe.period == '15' ? 4 : timeframe.period == '30' ? 4 :
timeframe.period == '45' ? 4 : timeframe.period == '60' ? 4 :
timeframe.period == '120' ? 3 : timeframe.period == '180' ? 3 :
timeframe.period == '240' ? 6 : timeframe.period == 'D' ? 5 : 1
count() =>
indi = ema(close, fastLength) - ema(close, slowLength)
signal = ema(indi, signalLength)
Anlyse = 0.0
// direction of indi and histogram
hist = indi - signal
Anlyse := indi > indi[1] ? hist > hist[1] ? indiside + histside :
hist == hist[1] ? indiside : indiside - histside : 0
Anlyse := Anlyse + (indi < indi[1] ? hist < hist[1] ? -(indiside + histside) :
hist == hist[1] ? -indiside : -(indiside - histside) : 0)
Anlyse := Anlyse +
(indi == indi[1] ? hist > hist[1] ? histside : hist < hist[1] ? -histside : 0 : 0)
// cross now earlier ?
countcross = indi >= signal and indi[1] < signal[1] ? crossscore :
indi <= signal and indi[1] > signal[1] ? -crossscore : 0.
countcross := countcross + nz(countcross[1]) * 0.6
Anlyse := Anlyse + countcross
Anlys = count()
AnlysHfrm = lookaheadi ? security(syminfo.tickerid, HTF, count(), lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on) :
security(syminfo.tickerid, HTF, count(), lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_off)
Result = (AnlysHfrm * calc + Anlys) / (calc + 1)
longCondition = change(Result) != 0 and Result > 0
if longCondition
strategy.entry("MACD Long", strategy.long)
shortCondition = change(Result) != 0 and Result < 0
if shortCondition
strategy.entry("MACD Short", strategy.short)
countstop(pos) =>
Upt = hl2 - Mult * atr(Period)
Dnt = hl2 + Mult * atr(Period)
TUp = 0.
TDown = 0.
TUp := close[1] > TUp[1] ? max(Upt, TUp[1]) : Upt
TDown := close[1] < TDown[1] ? min(Dnt, TDown[1]) : Dnt
tslmtf = pos == 1 ? TUp : TDown
pos = longCondition ? 1 : -1
stline = 0.
countstop__1 = countstop(pos)
security_1 = security(syminfo.tickerid, HTF, countstop__1)
stline := change(time(HTF)) != 0 or longCondition or shortCondition ? security_1 :
plot(stline, color=shotsl ? color.gray : na, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=2, title="Stop Loss")