method createFNP(p, base)
creates FNP Pattern from base Pattern
Namespace types: Pattern
p (Pattern): Pattern object from which the FNP Pattern needs to be created
base (chart.point): base point of the flag or pennant
Returns: Current Pattern object
method push(this, p, maxItems)
push FNPPattern object to the array by keeping maxItems limit
Namespace types: FNPPattern[]
this (FNPPattern[]): array of FNPPattern objects
p (FNPPattern): FNPPattern object to be added to array
@oaram maxItems Max number of items the array can hold
maxItems (int)
Returns: Current FNPPattern array
method findPatternPlain(this, properties, dProperties, patterns, ohlcArray)
Find patterns based on the currect zigzag object but will not store them in the pattern array.
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
this (Zigzag type from Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2): Zigzag object containing pivots
properties (ScanProperties): ScanProperties object
@oaram dProperties DrawingProperties object
dProperties (DrawingProperties)
patterns (Pattern[]): Array of Pattern objects
ohlcArray (OHLC[] type from Trendoscope/ohlc/1)
Returns: Flag indicating if the pattern is valid, Current Pattern object
method findFNP(this, currentPattern, sProperties)
Find flag and pennant patterns based on the current zigzag object and returns the pattern object along with flag
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
this (Zigzag type from Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2): Zigzag object containing pivots
currentPattern (Pattern): Pattern object to be used as base
sProperties (ScanProperties): ScanProperties object
Returns: Flag indicating if the fng pattern is valid, new FNPPattern object
Object containing Individual Pattern data
pivots (Pivot[] type from Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2): array of Zigzag Pivot points
trendLine1 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1): First trend line joining pivots 1, 3, 5
trendLine2 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1): Second trend line joining pivots 2, 4 (, 6)
baseLine (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1): Base line of the flag or pennant
properties (DrawingProperties): DrawingProperties Object carrying common properties
patternColor (series color): Individual pattern color. Lines and labels will be using this color.
ratioDiff (series float): Difference between trendLine1 and trendLine2 ratios
zigzagLine (series polyline): Internal zigzag line drawing Object
pivotLabels (label[]): array containning Pivot labels
patternLabel (series label): pattern label Object
patternType (series int): integer representing the pattern type
patternName (series string): Type of pattern in string
method draw(this)
draws pattern on the chart
Namespace types: FNPPattern
this (FNPPattern): FNPPattern object that needs to be drawn
Returns: Current FNPPattern object
method erase(this)
erase the given pattern on the chart
Namespace types: FNPPattern
this (FNPPattern): Pattern object that needs to be erased
Returns: Current Pattern object
Object containing properties for pattern scanning
offset (series int): Zigzag pivot offset. Set it to 1 for non repainting scan.
numberOfPivots (series int): Number of pivots to be used in pattern search. Can be either 5 or 6
errorRatio (series float): Error Threshold to be considered for comparing the slope of lines
flatRatio (series float): Retracement ratio threshold used to determine if the lines are flat
flagRatio (series float): max ratio threshold for flag and pennnant
checkBarRatio (series bool): Also check bar ratio are within the limits while scanning the patterns
barRatioLimit (series float): Bar ratio limit used for checking the bars. Used only when checkBarRatio is set to true
avoidOverlap (series bool): avoid overlapping patterns.
repaint (series bool): allow repainting pattern if the new coordinates are more appropriate
allowedPatterns (bool[]): array of bool encoding the allowed pattern types.
allowedLastPivotDirections (int[]): array of int representing allowed last pivot direction for each pattern types
themeColors (color[]): color array of themes to be used.