
Library "CommonTypesDrawing"
Provides a common library source for common types of used graphical drawing structures.
Includes: `Triangle, Quad, Polygon`

  Representation of a triangle using lines and linefill.
    ab: Edge of point a to b.
    bc: Edge of point b to c.
    ca: Edge of point c to a.
    fill: Fill of the object.
    solid: Check if polygon should have a fill.

  Representation of a quadrilateral using lines and linefill.
    ab: Edge of point a to b.
    bc: Edge of point b to c.
    cd: Edge of point c to d.
    da: Edge of point d to a.
    fill: Fill of the object.
    solid: Check if polygon should have a fill.

  Representation of a polygon using lines and linefill.
    edges: List of edges in the polygon.
    fills: Fills of the object.
    closed: Check if polygon line should connect last vertice to first.
    solid: Check if polygon should have a fill.
displaydrawingfunctionlibraryMarket GeometryMATHTYPEudf

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