Library "utils" Few essentials captured together (subset of arrayutils)
timer(timeStart, endTime) finds difference between two timestamps Parameters: timeStart: start timestamp endTime: end timestamp Returns: [days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds]
check_overflow(pivots, barArray, dir) finds difference between two timestamps Parameters: pivots: pivots array barArray: pivot bar array dir: direction for which overflow need to be checked Returns: bool overflow
get_trend_series(pivots, length, highLow, trend) finds series of pivots in particular trend Parameters: pivots: pivots array length: length for which trend series need to be checked highLow: filter pivot high or low trend: Uptrend or Downtrend Returns: int[] trendIndexes
get_trend_series(pivots, firstIndex, lastIndex) finds series of pivots in particular trend Parameters: pivots: pivots array firstIndex: First index of the series lastIndex: Last index of the series Returns: int[] trendIndexes
getConsolidatedLabel(include, labels, separator) Consolidates labels into single string by concatenating it with given separator Parameters: include: array of conditions to include label or not labels: string array of labels separator: Separator for concatenating labels Returns: string labelText
getColors(theme) gets array of colors based on theme Parameters: theme: dark or light theme Returns: color[] themeColors
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