Library "DebugConsole"
Methods for debuging/output into a table, console like style.

init(size) initiate property variables.
  • size: int, console line size.

Returns: tuple, table and string array.

queue(console_id, new_line) Regular Queue, will be called once every bar its called.
  • console_id: string array, console configuration array.
  • new_line: string, with contents for new line.

Returns: void.

queue_one(console_id, new_line) Queue only one time, will not repeat itself.
  • console_id: string array, console configuration array.
  • new_line: string, with contents for new line.

Returns: void.

update(table_id, console_id) Update method for the console screen.
  • table_id: table, table to update console text.
  • console_id: string array, console configuration array.

Returns: void.
Notas de prensa
minor update.
Notas de prensa

queue_one_intrabar(console_id, new_line) Queue only one time, will not repeat itself.
    console_id: string array, console configuration array.
    new_line: string, with contents for new line.
  Returns: void.
Notas de prensa
added option for toggling the table on/off
init(size) initiate property variables.
    size: int, console line size.
  Returns: tuple, table and string array.
Notas de prensa
v5 forgot parameter description :facepalm:
Notas de prensa
fixed a error due to hiding the table functionality.
Notas de prensa

log(message) Generate a independent single value output.
    message: string, the output message.
returns void
Originaly by Adolgov
Notas de prensa
v8 forgot about the parameters... x_x
Notas de prensa

init_ip(size, visible)
  initiate property variables for intrabar persistance.
    size: int, console line size.
    visible: bool, toggle visibility if the table.
  Returns: tuple, table and string array.
function proposed by adolgov.
Notas de prensa

log_ip(message, size, text_size, bg_color, text_color, border_color)
  Generate a independent single value output stream supporting intrabar persistance.
    message: string, the output message.
    size: int, number of messages to show.
    text_size: string, default=size.normal.
    bg_color: color, default=#000000.
    text_color: color, default=#ffffff.
    border_color: color, default=color.grey.
returns void
Originaly by Adolgov
Notas de prensa
v11 - Update using type objects and methods.

  Console object used to store log entries and table.
    entries: Message entry stream.
    table: Output table.

init(this, size, visible, intrabar_persistance)
  initializes the Console object.
    this: Console, Console object with entries array and table.
    size: int , Number of entries allowed in the console.
    visible: bool , Toggles the visibility of the table, (default=true).
    intrabar_persistance: bool , Toggles the entry message intrabar persistance into the console, (default=false).
  Returns: Console object, contains the entries console and output table.

queue(this, new_line)
  Regular Queue, will be called once every bar its called.
    new_line: string, with contents for new line.
  Returns: void.

queue_one(this, new_line)
  Queue only one time, will not repeat itself.
    new_line: string, with contents for new line.
  Returns: void.

queue_one_intrabar(this, new_line)
  Queue only one time, will not repeat itself.
    new_line: string, with contents for new line.
  Returns: void.

  Update method for the console screen.
  Returns: void.

init_ip(size, visible)
  initiate property variables for intrabar persistance.
Notas de prensa
v12 added Parameter settings object, and a new() function to make it easier to call..

  Create a new Console object and inittiate its basic parameters.
  Returns: `Console` A new console object.

    position (series string): Table position in panel.
    bgcolor (series color): Background color.
    frame_color (series color): Frame color.
    frame_width (series int): Frame width.
    border_color (series color): Border color.
    border_width (series int): border width.
    width (series int): Console width.
    height (series int): Console height.
    text_color (series color): Text color.
    text_halign (series string): Text horizontal alignment.
    text_valign (series string): Text vertical alignment.
    text_size (series string): Size of the text.

  Parameters object.
    size (series int): Number of string cells.
    visible (series bool): Is console visible?
    intrabar (series bool): Is intrabar persistance (`varip`) on?
    style (StyleParameters)
Notas de prensa
v13 corrected some minor stuff.

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