Dynamic Price Cluster

With the Dynamic Price Cluster you can find areas of high commercial interest in any time frame.

Dynamic Price Cluster (DPC) dynamically represent different areas of high commercial interest and it are composed of 3 lines or levels
The set, group or cluster of levels will be maintained as long as the market conditions satisfy or it are in accordance with the current area of commercial interest. Once a new area of commercial interest is generated, a new DPC will be created.

By knowing these areas of high commercial value you will know if the market has a bullish or bearish sentiment, you will know when you are trading for or against the trend and you will be able to manage your operation doing trailing-stop .
If you have any questions, please let me know by private chat.

clusterlevelsMoving AveragesnivelespivotePivot PointstendenciaTrend AnalysistrendfollowingVolatility

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