cowen risk index

This is my attempt at remaking the cowen risk index. It's definitely not correct, but should give a rough estimate of where his indicator is at. I am taking the price divided by the 400sma to get an oscillator, then we need to account for diminishing returns so I just made an exponentially increasing variable and mutliplying that by the oscillator value. Then I normalized the data as best as I could. Not sure exactly how to do that so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

This only works on the daily and weekly timeframe. You will need to edit the code if you want to have it work for other timeframes.
Notas de prensa
Added some custom bools for normalizing and adjust the exponential factor.
Notas de prensa
small adjustments to the default factors
Notas de prensa
Figured out how to automatically draw risk levels. No more normalize needed. Simplified the code quite a bit.
bencowenbenjamincowenDCAindexMoving AveragesOscillatorsriskTrend Analysis

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