RSI Buy/Sell Signals

Por deepakks444
This Pine Script is designed to plot Buy and Sell signals based on the Relative Strength Index (RSI) for both 15-minute and hourly timeframes. It calculates the RSI values for the current 15-minute chart and requests the hourly RSI data for comparison. Buy signals are generated when the RSI crosses above 60 in either timeframe, while sell signals occur when the RSI crosses below 40. The script also plots visual markers on the chart, indicating buy signals with green labels below the price bars and sell signals with red labels above the price bars. Additionally, it allows for alert conditions, notifying the user when a buy or sell signal is triggered.
Notas de prensa
Added option to change RSI timeframe
Notas de prensa
Target added
Relative Strength Index (RSI)

Script de código abierto

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