VWAP Heatmap Commodities and Indices V2

Here is the Crashcourse trading VWAP for indices and Commodities. Same deal as the forex heatmap. It works best being on a 5 minute chart. Suggestion is to put it on the EURUSD together with the forex heatmap so you can see all the price action on one screen. You are looking for an approach to the VWAP and looking for a bounce. Remember if you have no gradient you have no trade!!!

The instruments covered:
1. US500 / S&P500
2. US100 / Nasdaq
2. US30 / Dow Jones
4. UK100 / FTSE100
5. JP225 / Nikkei225
6. DAX / DE40
7. AUS200
8. HK50
9. FRA40 / CAC

10. Gold
11. USoil / WTI
12. UKoil / Brent

These present the best volume and price data to give you the most reliable signals as far as I have determined.

Improvements coming for this will be to incorporate a slope for the vwap and to make better levels.

Notas de prensa
Turned this into a fuel gauge heatmap.
Notas de prensa
Added in Standard Deviation 1 and -1 bands and a row of what the current Standard Deviation is.
Shortened the Code by 300 lines approx, will run better.
Removed HK50 - very awkward to to trade - never traded it.
Notas de prensa
The correct instruments have been relabeled DE40 and FRA40 changed broker.
Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)

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