Library "JordanSwindenLibrary"
TODO: add library description here
Calculates how many decimals are on the quote price of the current market
Returns: The current decimal places on the market quote price
Calculates the pip size of the current market
multiplier (int): The mintick point multiplier (1 by default, 10 for FX/Crypto/CFD but can be used to override when certain markets require)
Returns: The pip size for the current market
truncate(number, decimalPlaces)
Truncates (cuts) excess decimal places
number (float): The number to truncate
decimalPlaces (simple float): (default=2) The number of decimal places to truncate to
Returns: The given number truncated to the given decimalPlaces
Converts pips into whole numbers
number (float): The pip number to convert into a whole number
Returns: The converted number
Converts whole numbers back into pips
number (float): The whole number to convert into pips
Returns: The converted number
getPctChange(value1, value2, lookback)
Gets the percentage change between 2 float values over a given lookback period
value1 (float): The first value to reference
value2 (float): The second value to reference
lookback (int): The lookback period to analyze
Returns: The percent change over the two values and lookback period
random(minRange, maxRange)
Wichmann–Hill Pseudo-Random Number Generator
minRange (float): The smallest possible number (default: 0)
maxRange (float): The largest possible number (default: 1)
Returns: A random number between minRange and maxRange
bullFib(priceLow, priceHigh, fibRatio)
Calculates a bullish fibonacci value
priceLow (float): The lowest price point
priceHigh (float): The highest price point
fibRatio (float): The fibonacci % ratio to calculate
Returns: The fibonacci value of the given ratio between the two price points
bearFib(priceLow, priceHigh, fibRatio)
Calculates a bearish fibonacci value
priceLow (float): The lowest price point
priceHigh (float): The highest price point
fibRatio (float): The fibonacci % ratio to calculate
Returns: The fibonacci value of the given ratio between the two price points
getMA(length, maType)
Gets a Moving Average based on type (! MUST BE CALLED ON EVERY TICK TO BE ACCURATE, don't place in scopes)
length (simple int): The MA period
maType (string): The type of MA
Returns: A moving average with the given parameters
barsAboveMA(lookback, ma)
Counts how many candles are above the MA
lookback (int): The lookback period to look back over
ma (float): The moving average to check
Returns: The bar count of how many recent bars are above the MA
barsBelowMA(lookback, ma)
Counts how many candles are below the MA
lookback (int): The lookback period to look back over
ma (float): The moving average to reference
Returns: The bar count of how many recent bars are below the EMA
barsCrossedMA(lookback, ma)
Counts how many times the EMA was crossed recently (based on closing prices)
lookback (int): The lookback period to look back over
ma (float): The moving average to reference
Returns: The bar count of how many times price recently crossed the EMA (based on closing prices)
getPullbackBarCount(lookback, direction)
Counts how many green & red bars have printed recently (ie. pullback count)
lookback (int): The lookback period to look back over
direction (int): The color of the bar to count (1 = Green, -1 = Red)
Returns: The bar count of how many candles have retraced over the given lookback & direction
Gets the current candle's body size (in POINTS, divide by 10 to get pips)
Returns: The current candle's body size in POINTS
Gets the current candle's top wick size (in POINTS, divide by 10 to get pips)
Returns: The current candle's top wick size in POINTS
Gets the current candle's bottom wick size (in POINTS, divide by 10 to get pips)
Returns: The current candle's bottom wick size in POINTS
Gets the current candle's body size as a percentage of its entire size including its wicks
Returns: The current candle's body size percentage
isHammer(fib, colorMatch)
Checks if the current bar is a hammer candle based on the given parameters
fib (float): (default=0.382) The fib to base candle body on
colorMatch (bool): (default=false) Does the candle need to be green? (true/false)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a hammer candle
isStar(fib, colorMatch)
Checks if the current bar is a shooting star candle based on the given parameters
fib (float): (default=0.382) The fib to base candle body on
colorMatch (bool): (default=false) Does the candle need to be red? (true/false)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a shooting star candle
isDoji(wickSize, bodySize)
Checks if the current bar is a doji candle based on the given parameters
wickSize (float): (default=2) The maximum top wick size compared to the bottom (and vice versa)
bodySize (float): (default=0.05) The maximum body size as a percentage compared to the entire candle size
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a doji candle
isBullishEC(allowance, rejectionWickSize, engulfWick)
Checks if the current bar is a bullish engulfing candle
allowance (float): (default=0) How many POINTS to allow the open to be off by (useful for markets with micro gaps)
rejectionWickSize (float): (default=disabled) The maximum rejection wick size compared to the body as a percentage
engulfWick (bool): (default=false) Does the engulfing candle require the wick to be engulfed as well?
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a bullish engulfing candle
isBearishEC(allowance, rejectionWickSize, engulfWick)
Checks if the current bar is a bearish engulfing candle
allowance (float): (default=0) How many POINTS to allow the open to be off by (useful for markets with micro gaps)
rejectionWickSize (float): (default=disabled) The maximum rejection wick size compared to the body as a percentage
engulfWick (bool): (default=false) Does the engulfing candle require the wick to be engulfed as well?
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar matches the requirements of a bearish engulfing candle
Detects inside bars
Returns: Returns true if the current bar is an inside bar
Detects outside bars
Returns: Returns true if the current bar is an outside bar
barInSession(sess, useFilter)
Determines if the current price bar falls inside the specified session
sess (simple string): The session to check
useFilter (bool): (default=true) Whether or not to actually use this filter
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls within the given time session
barOutSession(sess, useFilter)
Determines if the current price bar falls outside the specified session
sess (simple string): The session to check
useFilter (bool): (default=true) Whether or not to actually use this filter
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls outside the given time session
dateFilter(startTime, endTime)
Determines if this bar's time falls within date filter range
startTime (int): The UNIX date timestamp to begin searching from
endTime (int): the UNIX date timestamp to stop searching from
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar falls within the given dates
dayFilter(monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
Checks if the current bar's day is in the list of given days to analyze
monday (bool): Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
tuesday (bool): Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
wednesday (bool): Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
thursday (bool): Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
friday (bool): Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
saturday (bool): Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
sunday (bool): Should the script analyze this day? (true/false)
Returns: A boolean - true if the current bar's day is one of the given days
atrFilter(atrValue, maxSize)
atrValue (float)
maxSize (float)
Calculate total trade count
Returns: Total closed trade count
Check if we're currently in a long trade
Returns: True if our position size is positive
Check if we're currently in a short trade
Returns: True if our position size is negative
Check if we're currentlyflat
Returns: True if our position size is zero
Check if this bar falls after a winning trade
Returns: True if we just won a trade
Check if this bar falls after a losing trade
Returns: True if we just lost a trade
Gets the max drawdown based on closed trades (ie. realized P&L). The strategy tester displays max drawdown as open P&L (unrealized).
Returns: The max drawdown based on closed trades (ie. realized P&L). The strategy tester displays max drawdown as open P&L (unrealized).
Gets the total amount of pips won/lost (as a whole number)
Returns: Total amount of pips won/lost (as a whole number)
Count how many winning long trades we've had
Returns: Long win count
Count how many winning short trades we've had
Returns: Short win count
Count how many losing long trades we've had
Returns: Long loss count
Count how many losing short trades we've had
Returns: Short loss count
Count how many break-even trades we've had
allowanceTicks (float): Optional - how many ticks to allow between entry & exit price (default 0)
Returns: Break-even count
Count how many long trades we've taken
Returns: Long trade count
Count how many short trades we've taken
Returns: Short trade count
Calculate win rate of long trades
Returns: Long win rate (0-100)
Calculate win rate of short trades
Returns: Short win rate (0-100)
Calculate break even rate of all trades
allowanceTicks (float): Optional - how many ticks to allow between entry & exit price (default 0)
Returns: Break-even win rate (0-100)
Calculate average risk:reward
Returns: Average winning trade divided by average losing trade
(Forex) Convert the given unit count to lots (multiples of 100,000)
units (float): The units to convert into lots
Returns: Units converted to nearest lot size (as float)
getFxPositionSize(balance, risk, stopLossPips, fxRate, lots)
(Forex) Calculate fixed-fractional position size based on given parameters
balance (float): The account balance
risk (float): The % risk (whole number)
stopLossPips (float): Pip distance to base risk on
fxRate (float): The conversion currency rate (more info below in library documentation)
lots (bool): Whether or not to return the position size in lots rather than units (true by default)
Returns: Units/lots to enter into "qty=" parameter of strategy entry function
string conversionCurrencyPair = (strategy.account_currency == syminfo.currency ? syminfo.tickerid : strategy.account_currency + syminfo.currency)
float fx_rate =, timeframe.period, close[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0])[barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1]
if (longCondition)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, qty=zen.getFxPositionSize(strategy.equity, 1, stopLossPipsWholeNumber, fx_rate, true))
skipTradeMonteCarlo(chance, debug)
Checks to see if trade should be skipped to emulate rudimentary Monte Carlo simulation
chance (float): The chance to skip a trade (0-1 or 0-100, function will normalize to 0-1)
debug (bool): Whether or not to display a label informing of the trade skip
Returns: True if the trade is skipped, false if it's not skipped (idea being to include this function in entry condition validation checks)
fillCell(tableID, column, row, title, value, bgcolor, txtcolor, tooltip)
This updates the given table's cell with the given values
tableID (table): The table ID to update
column (int): The column to update
row (int): The row to update
title (string): The title of this cell
value (string): The value of this cell
bgcolor (color): The background color of this cell
txtcolor (color): The text color of this cell
tooltip (string)
Returns: Nothing.