
XBCBTC 4H Three white soldiers very bullish

Por Krystiannwk
I was just checking the charts today and found this very powerful pattern which is driving the financial market since ancient time. Three white soldiers’ formation. Based on my calculations I can found out in very precise manner take profit area. It is hard to say the exact time when it will happen but it is almost certain that this level will be reached. We can observe on the daily chart very big caffeine candle which created nice support area close to the 50% of the body of the candle(shadows aren't consider) which is marked with black line. In my opinion this pair has big chance to go as high as 0.240000.

I will post next part of the chart in next idea.
2004hbigbullishcandlebitcoinplusExponential Moving Average (EMA)soldeirsthreewhiteXBC

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