
Tesla "Long"

As announce today and based on the dilution decision of the Tesla to sell some of its shares of its company for 5 billion $ value what is the meaning of that for stock holders?

As Tesla is investing in Berlin and Texas for new factory lines and consecutively higher production rates, this 5 billion dollar absorption of Finance has a clear asset value and debt reduction of Tesla within 3 months. This perhaps will lead to risk reduction and lowering of current debt ratio of the company. The positive side of point of view is that now each stock has a higher value with 5 billion dollar cash flow in. Though it seems a dividend dilution for investors but in fact this strategy is a risk management approach for higher production rate and especially for future.

With this move not only the current valuation make more sense but it also will have a long term impact for holders. In addition, with S&P joining in 14th and 21th of December higher means of support for this company will be provided and will bring a positive insight especially for emergence of Electric vehicles, new batteries and solar energy products in prospective years.

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