
Loaded more EOD, looking for $480 by DEC

Por ag5
Yesterday was my best day since August with TSLA.

These are all based off my work on this the past 3 weeks, here are my trades from yesterday:

1. Exited both sets 11/13 calls (+23% & +74%) from friday.
2. Took $445 small weekly puts @ $449 - exited $434 (+63%). I did not expect it to drop more than this, left at least 40% more on the table but that happens.
3. Started to scale into Nov 27 calls @ $431 - exited $433 but IV crush took it negative after the pullback (-4%). I was afraid i made wrong decision selling,
4. Added x1 12/18 $450 calls @ $421, will evaluate adding second if we see $400, going to pull the plug if goes below $390.

I do not believe we are finished with this run quite yet there is too much poor buying structure above and this stock seems to love to work those out.
1. Yesterday I was able to get out at open for around a $108 loss, very minimal thanks to IV spike at open.
2. Added $450 dec 4 calls at price of $8.7 in the $395 area.

Very happy with my position, don't really see any reason to not let this ride out until end of week.
Forgot to note that we are back in my channel, I will use this to monitor how it progresses towards the single prints in the white box around $440
Trend Analysis

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