Finer Market Points: ASX Top 10 Momentum Stocks: 4 Dec 2023


Momentum-leading shares are the market's best performers today. They are the fastest-growing shares on the ASX over the last 90 days. These companies can't get to be leaders without first appearing on our Launch Pad list.

The Launch Pad List is published weekly on Fridays.

Today's ASX's Top 10 Quarterly Momentum Stocks are:

Sunshine Metals Limited (SHN): A mining company with various projects, including gold, copper, and base metals, across Australia.

BPH Energy Ltd (BPH): Focuses on investments in the oil and gas sector, biotechnology, and other niche sectors via early stage funding for commercial proof of concept, research, and product development. BPH is currently working on Clean Hydrogen projects.

Cooper Metals Limited (CPM):

Turaco Gold Limited (TCG): Gold miner with projects near Ghana's border.

TG Metals Limited (TG6): WA miner focused on Ni, Li, Gold in Lake Johnston Greenstone Belt.

First Lithium Limited (FL1): Lithium and Alkali explorer primarily active in Northern Chile.

Strickland Metals Limited (STK): A mineral exploration company focused on gold, copper, Zi, Pb, and Silver in Western Australia.

Plenti Group Limited (PLT): A financial technology company specializing in consumer and auto loans, renewable energy financing, and other lending services in Australia.

Viridis Mining and Minerals Limited (VMM): Exploring gold, Ni, Cu, PGE, and Kaloin-halloysite assets in Canada and WA SA and NSW.

Boab Metals Limited (BML):
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