SP500 I am moving to a 90% short today on any new high 5370

I will now move to a 90 % long in the money puts in spy and qqq for march 2025 on any new high today . I see the wave structure ending a nice 5 WAVES up and I am worried about the DIA formation it could be a wave B if this is right then we will see a sharp decline on NEWS over the next 10 td and drop 3.5 to 5.1 % Vix also should see a new LOW .SO I am moving short today
I have Covered my long puts on open today for a gain 5.3 to 5.8 % I will re short from target 5384/5410 there is an outside target 5453
today I moved to 75 % long puts this morning sp wa 5440 and I will move to 90 % on any new high today in QQQ i am 75 % long puts now 473.9 and adding 476.1 to 90 % march 2025 in the money PUTS
COVERED ALL PUTS Minor and flat gain between all If we now close over 482 they will run it up to 503 plus or minus 3.5
DIAHarmonic PatternsTechnical IndicatorsQQQSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) Wave Analysis

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