I haven't look at RTY for a while now, till the Fri close where I shorted it at 2015.50, willing to add if we stretch into the maj resistance zone right where the upper Bollinger is, that is also a 2.618 extension off the lows

RTY is overextending on the upside and downside compare to SPX .

We hit 50% retracement off 2020 lows in June and I see the whole way as 5 down and 3 up here.

We hit 110MA on Weekly as well as 200MA on Daily. If it's acting as it was on the way lower, SPX might not even reach 200MA in this case.
We are at the very top for this bear market rally, it can still extend up to 2084-2108

We are also at/near 61.8 off Mar high and Jun low as well as near 50% off the ATH and Jun low retraement

I will update the target for the Oct low after I see confirmations of the top.
Chart PatternsTechnical Indicatorsrtyrty!rty1RTY1!rtydailyrty_fTrend Analysis

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