OK, here in QQQ we bounced yesterday after a really big drop on the one-hour 200 moving average. 486 is the bottom of the implied move for the week, and that is also where we bounced. So, the two levels together caught us. Now, to the upside, we have the 30-minute 200 moving average. We did crush through that level without much support there and then dropped down to the one-hour average. Right above that, we have the 35 EMA on the 30-minute timeframe; those two levels are extremely important. If the 35 EMA crosses underneath the 30-minute moving average, then we are bearish. However, this can suggest a sufficient enough pullback, and we can bounce here. In which case, 494 is the top of the implied move, and 495 is the top of the implied move on Friday's contract. At the very top of the trading range, we do have the down gap from yesterday; the gap is at 496.

And to the downside, we do have that one-hour moving average which caught us yesterday, just underneath that 486, which is the bottom of the implied move for the whole week, based on how we closed last week. Underneath that, 484 is the implied move for the day; we have the 50-day moving average underneath that, and then 482 is the bottom of the implied move on Friday's contract. So, if we do drop, I would suggest 483/482 bull put spreads since that would be tucked away underneath the 50-day moving average.
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