Decreased short interest, might be a good long position.

The recent earnings of 1.28 compared to 0.98 same time last year. Dividend improved from .04 to .07 in the same time frame. Price is around the same level as it was last year. Last year the price rose from 31 to 51 between earnings reports. Two years ago the price rose from 9 to 18 around the same earnings quarter after a report of 0.49 with a dividend of .01. So due to the delay in reaction to earnings and having seemed to have broken a recent resistance line it may go up? Current earnings/prior earnings .98/.49=2 51/31=1.65 1.65/2=.83 (1.28/.98)*.83=1.08 1.08*34.40=37.15. Plus the decrease in short interest may indicate a move up. After a pull back to the support line.

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