longest ride during the Brexit

bad but slightly mixed -China- news expectations next week & there is -Aud-GDP- expected 2 tick down by 0.1 or 0.2

during Brexit fears.. ill be riding this 1.. ill hop on gbp cad once many oil producers cut production, id als buy a whole lot of -Cad- if that happens
going great so far.. for those who looking 2 get in on this.. be careful.. Slightly bad mixed -china- news expectations news week & -Aud-GDP- ticks down. Also this sit shows the CAPEX. businessinsider.com.au/australia-capex-report-capital-expenditure-gdp-2016-2 this year doesn't look like a good start. I don't expect Aud 2 really fall considering a lot of toxicness in the air & fog.
exited out with 6 pips =)
+ 168 =)

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