From our analysis of this pair from yesterday, we had a prediction of this pair melting all the way down to hit the Daily Liquidation Target.
For those of you who were able to catch the trade from when i sent out the setup, thumbs up to you as you sure have made a good 1:25 RRR on the trade so far, if you trade with tight spreads like i do.
But for those who didn't, what can i say? Should i say sorry you missed the train. Better luck next time? That is definitely one way around it. But more there is sure is another way around it this time. More often than not, the market afords us an opportunity to enter on or join an already moving trend. This is done when the market gives pullbacks/retracements.
All you have to do is time your entry. It just like surfing the waves on the ocean; you miss one, you get ready for the next.