EUR/CHF - Additional Change to plan

Okay I got stopped out of NZD/CAD, NZD/USD and got entered into and stopped out of EUR/CHF last night - For those using my trades you should have followed my rule for short trades by adding 10 pips to the stop to counter the spread and you should still be in both trades. Now I have to make a similar change to Long trades - After the order is set at 20/100 next month I plan to move the entry up 5 pips again to avoid spread issues. If you follow my trades and enter them make this change now if your plan allows - I will continue to trade my plan with the errors till I adjust it next month. To many this may seem crazy and it is slightly, I will loss a little value to my account this month but, not enough to cry over due to my account management. I stick with it as I firmly believe in following the plan and even when the plan has errors I give it a fair shot. Great practice for everyone, trust in your plan. This way when you have a winning plan and have a bad month which will happen you know you built a plan that works and will stick with it. "Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathered by labour shall increase" Proverbs 13:11
Trend Analysis

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