(…continued from above…)
2:45 that Bitcoin chart does not look bullish at all. What are you smoking dude? There was a horrific Gravestone doji on the bimonthly chart that is portending a massive crash. Something hovered for weeks and months is rolling over, not bull flagging. In prior bull markets Bitcoin shot right on through as the momentum was too intense. There's very weak momentum because liquidity is drying up all over the planet, as you readily admit as part of your thesis for what comes soon with a massive correction. You even noted that the BTC ETH inflows are being negated by matching short positions. Your hypothesis is that might lead to a short squeeze but what if instead there is no other liquidity to kickstart the squeeze and instead it ends up as proper hedge as Bitcoin declines back to 34 - 47k by Q4? There will likely be a bull trap move up to ~77k to take out the retail shorts and flip retail long at the top before fleecing them yet again with a crash. Heck there will be very little retail remaining by the time we get to the final double-top in 2025, except that the government might be handing out stimi checks again but with strings attached perhaps (CBDC launch is some nations perhaps). We are headed into very strange times, which is actually a Chinese proverb in the form of a curse.
3:47 regarding this MRRV it is the same diminishing returns argument I made on your prior one (and others prior) which afaict you either seem to be ignoring or YT is censoring and you are not seeing them perhaps. Anyway, clearly the looming further leg up as compared to the leg from June 2017 to Dec 2017 and Jan 2021 to Feb/Mar 2021, must acknowledge that the latter was tiny compared to the former. Thus the looming leg up will be absolutely minuscule.
4:45 kudos I see you picked up on my point from prior video(s) about the Treasury buybacks distributing net liquidity out of the TGA once the corporate tax deadline of June 15 stops sending liquidity into the TGA. Btw I would absolutely love a Bitcoin parabolic move now. I am resigned to the fact I will not get my wish. It is not some aversion to it. You might be lumping me in with the herd. I did publicly (my trading view) call the Bitcoin bottom at precisely 15.4k and I identified the Shark and other harmonic patterns back in Oct 2022 stating S&P to 4950 and Ethereum to 3200. I did not expect the Bitcoin and Ethereum ETHs though, because my mind was off on other things the intervening time.
8:00 regarding retail pyschology and your parabolic blowoff top thesis for the S&P 500, retail simply does not have the fuel right now. That is another reason this looming top and crash will not be the final top, which instead will come in 2025 after the election when the truly dystopian crap can ensue. C.f. for example Morningstar’s, “Individual stocks are increasingly going their own way” and “Dow trails Nasdaq by most in a year. What it means for the stock market.” While breadth has been improving slightly (and indicates a final topping action underway over next couple of months), it reflects more of smart rotation (i.e. rejecting some sectors entiring for those that have an AI derivative narrative, e.g. utilities and electricity) than blindfolded retail throwing spaghetti at wall and taking swings at the piñata. Note your recent T/A video with your collegue that pointed out that Nvidia is very near to its final top in the (post-split) ~130 to 150 range. One of those Morningstar articles explains why the DJIA is not reflecting reality and thus might not make a new ATH in Jul/Aug, even if the Nasdaq does.
8:35 yeah that is what a textbook left-translated cycle would look like IF there is a parabolic blowoff top, but there will not be. Thus instead we will get the 2021 double-top repeated with an intervening ~55% correction. And the double-top will not look like your 8:25 because again there will not be any parabolic move here and now. The Jul/Aug top will be ~80k more or less. Btw, I do not dislike the thumbnail. What I dislike is a total lack of acknowledgement in the presentation of the argument that there will be top ~80k with a 55% correction and second top ~90k in Q1 2025. You continue to only present rollover or parabolic, and not another scenario. Is that tranparency and fair to your audience? I do not care if you recognize me. I have been banned from almost every social media platform. Such is life.
10:45 why do you assume the 2Y yield has to come down while the Treasury unleashes liquidity by selling short bonds to buy long bonds? 10Y can come down while the 2Y levitates, until the crash this Fall.
P.S. I think I have made my points. Have other more important things to do. Good luck Camel. I will be back to tell you I told you so, or to admit I was wrong.