CAKE / TetherUS


PancakeSwap helps you make the most out of your crypto in three ways:

  • Trade
  • Earn
  • Win

Is PancakeSwap safe?
See for yourself:
Check out these PancakeSwap security audits:
Certik’s security audit of PancakeSwap and Certik's Shield insurance
Slowmist's security audit of PancakeSwap
Slowmist's Auto-CAKE Pool security audit
We’re built on open-source software: our site and all our Smart Contracts are publicly visible for maximum transparency.
Our contracts are verified on BscScan so you know that what you see is what you get: 1 2 3 4 5
Security best practices:
The chefs use multisig for all contracts.
Our contracts’ time-lock gives you peace of mind.

Other products
Lottery (core feature)
Analytics (core feature)
Voting (core feature)
Prediction Markets (core feature)
IFO (Initial Farm Offering): Raise funds for your project in CAKE-BNB LP tokens. After redeeming the LP tokens, the BNB is distributed to the project and the CAKE is burned.
Lending & Borrowing: Lend and borrow BSC and LP tokens - CAKE provides rate discount
Margin Trading: Trade BSC tokens with leverage on-chain — periodic CAKE buyback and burn
NFT Ecosystem: Mint, trade, and more — all paid in CAKE
NFT-based Gamification: Complete tasks, level up etc. to earn NFTs — use CAKE to mint
Fixed-term Staking
Customizable User Profile

Exención de responsabilidad