
Bank Nifty: Monday - 28/11/22

NSE:BANKNIFTY   Nifty Bank Index
Support: 42750, 42500, 42350
Resistance: 43000, 43350, 43600, 43900

OI Data:

Bank Nifty => Price: 42983.95
ATM: 43000 , ITM: 42900, 42800, 42700 , OTM: 43100, 43200, 43300
Highest OI Call in Bank Nifty per OI data: 43000
Highest OI Put in Bank Nifty per IO data: 43000
Nearest Major Resistance in Bank Nifty per OI data: 43400
Nearest Major Support in Bank Nifty per IO data: 42600

Trade setup:
1. For any buy trade, follow the N pattern (let the price run above the level, let it retraces back to the level and let it hold the level as support)
2. For any sell trade, follow the mirror-N pattern (let the price fall below the level, let it pull back to the level and unable to pass through the level as resistance).

Trade | Level | SL | T1 | T2
BUY | > 43350 | 43200 | 43550 | 43700
SELL | < 42550 | 42700 | 42350 | 42200

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