
Bands going on tour!

Por thecardiak
Weekly chart shows us likely moving in a rising logarithmic price channel while attempting a break out of a bullish weekly RSI wedge. Initial breakout in 2020 was 6000%+- and from where we stand now it can potentially be 4500-5500% depending on the time needed to reach the top of the ascending channel. Band itself is currently the second largest and most recognized oracle project after LINK while actually capturing more daily oracle data requests then LINK. Its currently 1/40th LINKS market cap and 1/70th LINKS ATH. I figure there cannot just be one oracle as that is an unacceptable centralized point of failure that could cripple an entire economic ecosystem so projects will likely integrate at least two so they can remain running if their major oracle ran into problems.

This means a hand full of oracle projects will round this out and BAND being the second biggest and most recognized after LINK is set to try and take this position.
Chart Patterns

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