A way to manage portfolio risk using relative standard deviation, also known as coefficient of variation. This tool tells you how much of each stock in shares and in value to buy adjusted for their volatility risk for a given starting account capital. A problem many people have is how to diversify an account and adjusting it for the risk involved in each equity....
My other indicator shows the linear regression slope of the source. This one finds the exponential regression slope and optionally multiplies it by R-squared and optionally annualizes it. Multiplying by R-squared makes sure that the price movement was significant in order to avoid volatile movements that can throw off the slope value. Annualizing the exponential...
A way to find if price made a big move in a user input given amount of time ago. If it made a move more than the given percent amount, a colored zone will be placed until a given amount of length finishes taking place, and then it will stop coloring the zone. This helps filter out or find stocks that are making or have made too big a price move or were too...