Session Breakout/Sweep with alerts

This indicator is based on popular London breakout strategy. but as I noticed that it don't work good with breakouts so I made it to be used as reversal entries as well. By default the timing is set for asian session but you can change it according to your need.

Use as breakout

Use as liquidity sweep

On some pairs the timing changes automatically (I don't know why), if you face this issue , go to settings and set the timing accordingly and save it as templet so that you don't have to change it every time you load the chart with timing issue.

I hope you guys find it useful. Do share your though and feedback in comments.
Notas de prensa

  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Alerts added for liquidity sweep.
asianliquidityasiansessionbreakoutbreakouttradingChart patternsliquidityliquiditysweeplondonbreakoutsessionbreakoutTrend Analysis

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