Inflation will never stop...its time to short inflation 50%

Inflation will never stop no matter how much money you make.
Right now the cost of living avg is 50% too high for the current wages to keep supporting too much longer.
homelessness and families moving in together to survive is already happening.
The signs are out there for everyone to see and the government is playing with your lives.
When wages increase so does the cost of living. Now the cost of living since the 1950's is too high to maintain in 2022 with current wages and 2023 will be worse.
Unsustainable economic breakdown is coming and depression in society is at the highest i have ever seen it in my life time.
Fuel shortages, Food shortages, high utility bills, taxes keep going up, government keeps overspending, times are tough for working families.

United States Statistics for inflation and cost of living

Year Median Home Value Median Rent Household Median Income Gas Prices vary by state this is the avg Avg wage per hour worked
1950 $7,400 $42 $2,990 $0.27 $0.75
1960 $11,900 $71 $4,970 $0.31 $1.15
1970 $17,000 $108 $8,734 $0.36 $1.50
1980 $47,200 $243 $17,710 $1.20 $3.10
1990 $79,100 $447 $29,943 $1.10 $4.25
2000 $119,600 $602 $55,030 $1.40 $5.15
2010 $221,800 $901 $49,445 $2.60 $7.25
2022 $428,700 $1295 - $2495 $78,075 $3.40 to $6.00 7.25to $16.00 varies by state

Federal Minimum Wage Information

$5.15 - Sept. 1, 1997
$5.85 - July 24, 2007
$6.55 - July 24, 2008
$7.25 - July 24, 2009

Inflation and supply shortages keeps getting worse.
I hear so much everyday from people and this is what people say to me when i ask.
I don't make enough money to survive.
Bank won't give me a loan.
I don't make enough money this year to cover bills.
I need things and the store doesn't have it or its too expensive for my budget.
power bill too expensive.
gas is too expensive.
my car has been in shop for months and still not fixed.
my bank won't refinance my home.
i can't afford groceries because i no longer qualify for government "snap" benifits with my raise at work and i have 4 kids.
I am losing my farm to drought and excess cost of fuel and supplies.
Automated warehouses put my entire family out of business.
several people came forward with police not doing there job while communities are getting robbed
while they are at work.
the covid epidemic cost me everything my home and my business.
my health insurance went up and can no longer afford it.
so many people out there struggling to survive and the normal services that help these people
have exhausted there funding without any more support for the demand of help.
i don't see an end to this economic struggle people are facing and its only going to get worse.
Fed rates hikes, the covid pandemic and the countless defaulted loans and ongoing bankruptcies with inflation
has banks refusing personal loans and refinancing to alot of people without collateral. All i can say is stick with the job you have and
try to manage your finances carefully.
resources are stretched thin and customer service everywhere has a high turnover rate with people that
don't really know what they are doing.
People are taking any job they can to survive and when they lose or find another job they move on and don't really care about the service
they are providing. They are basically a third party for the companies and some have reported security
violations that resulted in fraud to access individual finances.
I'm not writing a book here so i will leave this info here for you reading to digest and research on your own. Maybe a post from you on social
media or here with some resources to help others find the help they need.
thx for reading

a long cold winter is brewing for the economy and the relief most people get from the markets won't come for many years. only a limited part of the stock market will grow during the winter cycle and crypto investors are looking to buy at a lower price before the long hold.
all i can say is when bitcoin is 10000 or lower thats when i will start with my aggressive diverse buying. After i invest 80% of my money in the crypto market i will prepare for the long hold and staking everything i purchased. Passive income earning interest while still holding my assets.Depending on how much you have invested will determine your reward. Bull markets last for up to 3 years. so thats a long time to hold for the maximum reward. Good luck everyone out there
new posting listed June 1, 2023
government manipulation postponing the inevitable problem the us economy will face.
its amazing that i posted this in October 2022 and only got 41 views but a meme coin joke posting can get 1000's of views in 1 day. Important issues are not what is important with todays economy.
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