Psychological term: 👁️‍🗨️ Pareidolia 🧠

Por FX_Professor
Pareidolia (/ˌpærɪˈdoʊliə, ˌpɛər-/;[1] also US: /ˌpɛəraɪ-/)[2] is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none.

In other, more simple words: We See What We Want to See

Obi-Wan Kenobi once advised Luke Skywalker to not trust his eyes, because “your eyes can deceive you.” Most of us can recall an instance from our own non-Jedi lives when these words rang true. Think of a time when your eyes saw what they wished to see: a person you were thinking about on a busy street, a heart-shaped pebble you were looking for on the beach.

This phenomenon, called motivated perception, has been explored in psychological research for decades. Indeed, the world as we conceive it in our awareness is not exactly an accurate representation of what it truly is. Our perception is often biased, selective, and malleable.

Even our desires can affect what we see by impacting the way we process visual information.


We see what we want to see. You guys can see a million different ideas but your eye is just a gateway to the brain and that's where the problems start:

You will See what YOU WANT to see..and you will act accordingly.

Will make a small video to elaborate on this withe some tips on how you can protect yourselves from your own EYES!

One Love,

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