26 de Nov. de 2020 17:35

If you don't believe that futures algos control the market.... 

E-mini S&P 500 FuturesCME


Take a look today, futures selling off because it's Thursday, lol.

US markets aren't even open, Asia and Europe are closed right now. All computer action. Wouldn't be surprised if there's an EOD kick up because tomorrow is Friday, lol.

It should really tell you something when futures do their usual thing even when the market isn't trading at all.

In any case, MFI dropping fast, YM MFI is already touching oversold. RTY will get there before NQ, so probably more sector rotation back into small caps next week, lol. More small cap pumptardedness.


Odd, between indicators scrolling down and futures gaining zero traction AH, I thought futures were gonna tank tonight.

Looks like gap direction is up to the Euros as usual, Asia not doing much.