Following the appointment of Mark Gaalswyk as CEO on March 1st, Digital Utilities Ventures, Inc. (OTC: DUTV) has been gaining momentum thanks to the potential he and his businesses bring to the stock. After the company announced its first merger with Easy Energy Systems, DUTV is back in the spotlight after acquiring Feed Earth Now, LLC. Given the scale of Feed Earth Now, LLC’s technology, investors are bullish DUTV could be set for financial growth in the near future.

DUTV Fundamental Analysis

DUTV caught investors’ attention after appointing Mark Gaalswyk as its new CEO. An experienced businessman, Gaalswyk has been named Minnesota’s “Technology Leader of the Year” and has received a number of US Agricultural Engineering awards. As the new CEO, Gaalswyk has plans for DUTV to provide green solutions that decrease reliance on imported fuels. Looking forward, Gaalswyk intends to find acquisition and joint venture opportunities to capitalize on the growing demand for green energy sources. He also aims to bring in a number of patents and technologies through his other companies with DUTV acting as the holding company. With this in mind, investors are exploring all the potential Gaalswyk’s two companies – Easy Energy Systems and Easy Automation Inc. – offer.

Easy Energy Systems
His company Easy Energy Systems (EES) has seen huge success as it aims to become the worldwide leader in “Distributed Small Scale Biowaste to Energy Systems”. After being evaluated by 4,000 scientists, the company received the Future in Review “Fire Starter Award” – which Tesla won as a small company only a year earlier – a sign of Easy Energy Systems’ overall potential.

The company’s patented Modular Energy Processing Systems (MEPS) produces alternative liquid biofuels from organic wastes which can either replace fossil fuels or be combined with them. The technology has shown that it can economically convert various bio-wastes into ethanol at the same cost as large biorefineries. Additionally, MEPS can be easily shipped anywhere in container-sized modules with simple installation. As a result, this technology can be marketed globally.

At the same time, EES is working with Iowa State University on a bio-renewable technology project. It appears that EES is in partnership with one of the world’s largest private seed companies – Stine Seed Company – to commercialize its MEPS based on Iowa State University’s pyrolysis technology.

Easy Automation Inc.
Yet, Gaalswyk’s biggest business appears to be Easy Automation Inc. (EAI) which he first started in 1986. EAI operates in a number of industries including feed manufacturing, fertilizer controls, grain handling, as well as dairy and feedlot. Offering software, equipment, and controls for these different industries, it appears EAI has become the largest provider of feed software in North America with over 3,000 customers to date.

Aiming to make its clients more profitable, EAI’s control systems for Automated Fertilizer Blending, Feed Manufacturing, Grain Handling, and Dairy Facilities makes them more productive, safe, and effective. The company’s main software – Feed Office Enterprise – automates the numerous processes taking place at agricultural facilities but EAI also offers other feed software, such as Feed Office Pro, Feed Batch Pro, and Feed Order Pro.

Under Gaalswyk’s leadership, the company received the “Inc. 500” award as one of the 500 fastest-growing companies in the nation. In addition, it has also received one of only four U.S. Congress State Legislators’ awards for the top “Small Business of the Year.”

The company has clearly made a name for itself based on its service, effectiveness, and unique technology which saves facility owners time and money. For this reason, Saudi giant – Alsafi Danone – decided to install EAI’s systems to improve its production process. With more than 20,500 milking cows – producing 830,000 liters of milk per day – Alsafi Danone was named the “World’s Largest Integrated Dairy” by the Guinness Book of World Records – demonstrating EAI’s global appeal.

Given the huge size of the agriculture industry, EAI’s ability to design, manufacture, and market computerized mill automation systems for not only North America but the whole world is definitely a bullish sign for DUTV’s future. Similarly, EES could position DUTV to capitalize on the growing biofuels industry if it is brought under the company’s umbrella. With more news on the board’s structure set to be announced soon, many investors believe DUTV could be one of the best renewable energy stocks to watch and many investors are looking for a penny break as DUTV prepares to share its plans with the public.

Joint Venture
DUTV recently announced that Easy Energy Systems (EES) has entered into a JV with Quantum Energy (OTC: QEGY) to distribute its patented MEPS technology in the EU through Raul Factor BV. Aiming to solve the world’s energy problems, Gaalswyk intends to sell the MEPS technology globally – hoping to revolutionize the green energy industry in the process. Through this JV, DUTV has the potential to capitalize on the rapidly growing bioenergy industry and achieve major revenue growth.

Gaalswyk has also assured shareholders that his main focus is providing value while earning their trust, a prime example of that has been Gaalswyk’s announcement that DUTV is not planning a reverse split since the company does not need to raise capital for its anticipated mergers. This announcement appears to have set the tone for shareholders who are seeing DUTV’s potential under Gaalswyk’s leadership.

Gaalswyk is also bringing in his brother-in-law to improve the company’s social media presence – adding his experience from managing executives’ accounts at the Bill Gates Foundation to DUTV. In the press release Gaalswyk emphasized his focus on accountability to shareholders, transparency, communication, and his own personal values. Commenting on DUTV’s character as an energy disruptor, he shared that “Anytime you reduce the timeline of a disruptive technology to a market by 20 years, your largest obstacle to sales is that you can become perceived too much as a “magician.” In this situation, having a reputation of ethics and strong values is what carries you over this hurdle so customers believe you.”

Easy Energy Finance
On this note, it appears that DUTV could be incorporating crypto into its future plans through Gaalswyk’s company Easy Energy Finance, which was “set up to promote the supply of Easy Energy Systems, Inc. clean energy waste conversion carbon capturing units by selling security tokens to cover the capital cost of its Modular Energy Production System”. EEF’s token would be sold in tranches ranging from $1 million to $40 million and, unlike other cryptos, it will be backed by a physical asset.

This approach could use the “Easy Energy Climate Token” and equipment on its balance sheet to raise capital to offer operating leases to plant operators. This means that its systems could reach end users for zero money down in some cases.

The end result would be a decentralized ‘grid’ of MEPS funded by the Easy Energy Climate Token and managed by EEF. The plant’s operators would then pay lease rental charges and a share of the profits from the MEPS back to EEF. These profits would also be returned to the token holders for the entire life of the system, meaning that as the number of installed systems increases so would the rate of return for token holders.

First Merger
Meanwhile, DUTV has provided an important update to investors – sharing that Easy Energy Systems, Inc. will be the first merger for the company. Through this merger, EES’ patented MEPS technology will be brought under the DUTV umbrella including the $16 million initial investment which was spent developing, patenting, licensing, and testing its technologies. $12 million of this investment came from Gaalswyk’s personal finances which he accrued from Easy Automation, Inc. and his family’s 4,500 acre farming operation.

The company’s structure was also explained – clarifying that Gaalswyk will exchange controlling interest of EES in return for 100% ownership of Dakota Max, LLC. which currently owns controlling interest of DUTV.

Promising updates regarding the timing of its merger, DUTV also shared that although it will be “ramping up manufacturing, operations and sales of various Easy Energy Systems, Inc. technologies” it will take time before these revenues are fully reflected in DUTV’s quarterly reports.

Despite the lag, investors are bullish on DUTV’s potential thanks to not only its renewable energy technology but its technology’s ability to produce an organic certified liquid microbe fertilizer as well. According to Gaalswyk each unit would sell for around $1 million which its users would be able to repay in as little as 6 months. He elaborated further sharing that buyers have already tested the end product and are interested in purchasing more units thanks to its ability to replace roughly 1/3 of the fertilizer needed for 500,000 acres of corn.

Considering that demand for fertilizers is only expected to grow as the global population increases, this technology could prove to be a significant revenue stream for DUTV. However, its important to note that DUTV is likely a long-term hold for many investors who are waiting to see the company’s sales and financial growth over the next few quarters. In the short-term, investors are waiting to learn when the merger will be finalized and what companies are DUTV’s next merger targets. Renewable energy stocks like DUTV are popular investments given the current energy market, but DUTV seems ready to unleash technology with applications beyond just energy.

Easy Modular Manufacturing Inc.
With the company looking to ramp up the production of its MEPS technology, DUTV incorporated Easy Modular Manufacturing, Inc. (EMMI) which will be a wholly owned subsidiary of DUTV. This incorporation is in line with the company’s direction under its Easy Modular Manufacturing division which will be responsible for manufacturing all technologies under DUTV’s umbrella.

Now, DUTV is set to begin manufacturing its revolutionary modules and expects to see large demand for its product. On this note, Gaalswyk is bullish that “DUTV should be showing revenue within the next two quarters”. In light of this, DUTV stock could be one of the renewable energy stocks with long-term potential.

Feed Earth Now Acquisition
To deliver on its growth plans, DUTV acquired Feed Earth Now, LLC (FEN) in exchange for 84 million restricted shares which were authorized and are currently in escrow. Over the past 10 years, FEN has been developing a soil microbe formula called Terreplenish from food waste that absorbs air and other microbes available in the soil. Through this product, farmers would be able to improve plant growth and control plant diseases. At the same time, this product releases legacy phosphorus available in the soil.

Terreplenish is unique because it generates a third of the required fertilizers for crops from the air rather than being manufactured in factories utilizing fossil fuels. Given that Terreplenish is derived from food waste, it could capitalize on the fact that a third of all food in the US is wasted. This disruptive product has been commercially available in limited quantities for several years and has been well received by customers after being applied to 100 different crops.

This fertilizer has been tested since 2012 by FEN and other third parties. But Gaalswyk saw the potential for a factory built Modular System to fully automate the entire process of making Terreplenish from green waste material. This “Fertilizer Plant in a box” can be set up all over the world and Gaalswyk believes that each plant will pay a per gallon license royalty fee back to FEN while EES monitors and optimizes the modular systems remotely.

With this goal in mind, Gaalswyk plans to integrate EMMI with EES to start manufacturing these modules in Minnesota with an aim of distributing them globally. Given that a project of this scale could be expensive to some customers, Gaalswyk intends to utilize Easy Energy Finance as a separate financing company. Through this, EEF will finance and lease the modules to customers in the form of a shared net revenue operating lease. At the same time, DUTV plans to secure a block from the $250 million USDA Government grant program to increase its production of these modules. If the company is able to secure this funding, DUTV could be set for significant financial growth.

DUTV Stock Financials
Looking at the company’s quarterly report, DUTV has convertible notes dating from 2002 to 2010. It also has three convertible notes with no date of issuance and maturity dates one year from its date of issuance. All together these notes total $1,690,127 in outstanding balance and $2,162,438 in accrued interest. The CEO – Mark Gaalswyk – does not own any shares nor the company’s CFO – Noemi Gil Espinal. However Dakota Max, LLC, which Gaalswyk has 100% ownership of, holds 2,280,584,037 common shares. Currently, DUTV has $5,135 in total assets and $4,116,478 in liabilities. It has no revenue so far and a net loss of $66,548.

Technical Analysis

Currently trading at $.007, DUTV shows supports near .0063 and .0051. DUTV has resistances near .0074 and .008 as well. Despite its recent news, DUTV was not able to break through its resistance. After reaching a peak of .016 in April, the stock has been slowly down trending. However, many believe that DUTV will emerge as one of the hottest renewable energy stocks given its technology which could make it a profitable dip buy for those willing to hold it long-term.

Accumulation has been trending downwards since early May and the MACD has just become bullish. Meanwhile, the RSI is at 50. On June 21st DUTV saw a trading volume of 12.6 million but has typically seen fairly low volume. If interest picks up again for DUTV, the stock could run quickly on higher volume. As for its share structure, DUTV has an AS of 7 billlion, an OS of 3.4 billion, and a float of 1.2 billion.

DUTV Stock Forecast

A communicative CEO, Gaalswyk continues to gain investors’ trust as he delivers on his promises, increases transparency, and brings his promising companies and technologies under DUTV’s umbrella. Considering the acquisition of FEN, DUTV is well-positioned to meet the demand for organic fertilizers amid the ongoing global food shortage. Meanwhile, incorporating EMII is a sign that this could only be the beginning for DUTV since Gaalswyk has several patents. With this in mind, many investors are confident DUTV could prove to be one of the best renewable energy stocks this year.

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